Welcome To Indie Book Reviewer

Are you an independent author or publisher looking to publicise your book? Organised by genre, this directory lists book bloggers interested in both small press and indie books.

The information provided is intended as a guideline only. I always recommend that you check each reviewer’s site first. To update or submit a listing, fill in this form.


My name is AM Harte, and I’m an author of twisted speculative fiction such as the zombie love anthology Hungry For You.

An indie author is more than just an author. We’re our own gatekeepers, our own editors, our own marketing machines. So much of our book’s success is in our own hands that it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Getting your book reviewed is an inexpensive but great way to get the word out about your book and get the buzz going. But finding people willing to review your book can take time and work – which is where Indie Book Reviewer comes into play.

Want to support my efforts? Check out some of my books: